25 July 2009


make-ahead-meal update:

thanks for all the emailed recipes and suggestions! i feel i have plenty to work on now and i have a lot of people to thank for that.

now i just have to find the perfect evening or weekend to do it (and this requires mustering up some energy too so it may take me a bit)!

i shall return at a future date with some results and in the meantime may post a quick recipe or two that my family enjoys- i'm all about fast, easy, healthy (this isnt always a must for me though... who are we kidding), and DELICIOUS!

so stay tuned....


  1. You always make me laugh, Stephanie. You definitely have to muster up energy for those make ahead meal days, but once you get in the groove it's kinda fun. And totally worth it in the end! It's so fun to be able to pull stuff out of the freezer on days you just don't feel much like cooking. =) I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

    P.S. I had a dream the other night that I bumped into you somewhere or other and we talked for hours and I got to play with your cute chubby boys. Random.

  2. that would be so fun suzanne! let's make it happen :)


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