28 July 2009

homemade rice ceral

I've been making my own rice cereal for my son. I used the recipe and suggestions in Ruth Yaron's book Super Baby Food. If you are interested in making your own baby food, this book is GREAT! It breaks down the whole introducing solids by months, has recipes, and all sorts of tips and advice.

It took my son a little while to transition from the store-bought cereal to the homemade cereal. I had to tweak Ruth's recipe a bit. The first time I made it, it turned out too thick/rubbery. I added more water and it has worked really well.

How to Make Dry Rice Cereal
  1. Place 1/4 cup of rice in blender (I used my awesome Magic Bullet)
  2. Grind until very fine
How to Cook the Rice Cereal
  1. Boil 1 to 1 1/2 cups water (I do 1 1/2 cups)
  2. Add 1/4 cup dry rice cereal
  3. Stir constantly with whisk
  4. Change heat to low
  5. Cover pot and let cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning
  6. Divide into individual servings and store in refrigerator
  7. You can microwave each serving when needed
Other Tips
You can grind a lot of rice at once and store it in the refrigerator. The recipes yields 2 to 3 servings for my 6 month old. I just cook the cereal every 3 days.

Another method you can do is cook the rice just as you would for your family and then puree the cooked rice. I haven't tried this method, but it would work well if you are already making rice for dinner.

I like to add a cube or two of fruit to the cereal when I am ready to serve it to my son.


  1. I've always wondered about that! You are so cool! Do you think you could use brown rice? I haven't been able to give my babies rice cereal very much because they get really constipated, but I bet brown rice would fix that.

  2. I use brown rice mixed with white rice. I also give my son some baby probiotics so everything comes out just fine :)

  3. the wonder woman theme song played in my head as i read this.

    good work super mom!


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